Structure and function of mesothelin The MSLN gene is located in chromosome 16p13. It contains 17 exons, with a cDNA length of about 2138bp, has a 1884-bp open reading frame, […]

Drugs targeting HER2 have shown excellent clinical efficacy over the 20 years, achieving one milestone after another in the field of cancer therapeutics. This article mainly introduces the development history […]

Proteasome is the main pathway by which misfolded proteins and other proteins are proteolyzed during protein synthesis. It is found in all eukaryotic cells, archaea and some bacteria and is […]

Scientists found that resveratrol and quercitin are helpful in cancer treatment and their health properties are hugely underestimated in the past years. The two substances have long been studied. Besides […]

Different from the traditional therapies like chemotherapy and radiation focusing on a general part of the tumor site, nanotechnology directly works to halt the growth of tumor, with more accuracy […]