In recent years, the research on novel vaccines such as nucleic acid vaccines, genetically engineered vaccines, and synthetic peptide vaccines has made rapid progress. However, compared to traditional inactivated or live […]

Vaccines are one of the most important inventions in human history, which has revolutionized human life and health. Typically, vaccines work by triggering an innate immune response and stimulating antigen-presenting […]

Influenza is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza A and B viruses. Annual influenza epidemics are caused by several different seasonal influenza viruses (i.e., A/H1N1, A/H3N2, B/Yamagata, […]

Brief Description of mRNA Delivery Systems As a therapeutic use, mRNA cancer vaccines have the advantages of high safety, strong immune activation ability, and short production cycle. Moreover, mRNA cancer […]

What is Adjuvants? Adjuvants, also known as immunomodulators or immune enhancers, are an additive to vaccines. Adjuvants are non-specific immune enhancers that enhance or alter the type of immune response […]

Introduction of Vaccine Adjuvant Adjuvant, also known as immune modulator or Immunepotentiator, is an additive of vaccine. When injected into the body before or mixed with antigen, it can enhance […]