Today I would like to share with you an article published in JACS titled “Telomere Targeting Chimera Enables Targeted Destruction of Telomeric Repeat-Binding Factor Proteins”. This article developed a nucleotide-based […]

In addition to DNA, peptides, as amino acid polymers, have great potential for information storage (Figure 1A). Recently, Stephen L. Buchwald and Bradley L. Pentelute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) […]

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complicated thing. Although amyloid-β (Aβ) is still considered to be the key to the pathogenesis of AD, which is supported by considerable evidence, the progression of […]

NMDARs (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) can act as valves for nerve cells and control the flow of electrical signals in the brain. This particular class of receptors is suspected of being present […]

In a new study, using advances in nanotechnology, researchers have found that restoring p53 not only delays the growth of p53-deficient liver and lung cancer cells, but may also make cancer drugs mTOR inhibitors […]

Impact factor is a measure presenting the citation frequency of articles in a journal. It can be used to judge a journal’s quality level from one aspect, and it’s one […]

A journal’s impact factor is an indicator of the frequency that its articles being cited in a particular year, and a very important parameter people will refer to when find […]