Protein-Protein Conjugation Methods Protein-protein conjugation is commonly used in immunoassays for enzyme-labeled antibodies or antigens, essentially preparing signal markers. The main protein-protein conjugation methods include the periodate oxidation method (direct […]

Chromatography is one of the most powerful techniques for protein purification. It allows for the separation of proteins based on their unique physicochemical properties. Here are the main types of […]

When using engineered bacteria or cells to express foreign proteins, in order to obtain high-purity proteins more quickly and reduce downstream purification pressure, it is often necessary to add tag […]

What is SDS-PAGE electrophoresis? SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, short for sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, is a kind of commonly used protein extraction technology to polyacrylamide gel is made up of […]